Coworking at 1628 gives you the opportunity to meet new people and expand your network. Read the tips below to learn the best ways to engage in the 1628 community and make connections. 


For many of us, networking can be an uncomfortable experience. Whether it’s a one-on-one conversation or speaking in front of a room full of people, the idea of networking can make us feel anxious and overwhelmed. But networking is an essential part of business, so it’s important to find ways to make it easier and less intimidating. Here are some tips on how to network when you don’t like small talk.


Focus on Quality Connections Over Quantity

When it comes to networking, quality connections are far more valuable than quantity. Instead of trying to meet as many people as possible, focus instead on making meaningful connections with individuals who have similar interests and values. This will help you build relationships that are based on trust and understanding which will open up more opportunities for collaboration down the line.


Be Authentic

It’s easy to feel intimidated when you first start networking, but try your best not to let that get in the way of being your authentic self. People can tell if you’re faking it or trying too hard, so rather than put on a facade just be yourself. Speak from the heart and share stories about your own experiences—this will help establish a connection with someone else much faster than if you were just shooting off rehearsed lines about yourself.


Find Your Niche

Networking doesn’t have to be limited to face-to-face conversations; there are plenty of online networks where you can connect with other professionals without ever having to leave your home or step out of your comfort zone. Find online communities that align with your interests and join them—this will help you build relationships without having to worry about making small talk or dealing with awkward silences.


Networking can be an intimidating process but by focusing on quality over quantity, being authentic, and finding your niche online or at events where everyone is focused on similar topics, it doesn’t have to be so nerve-wracking after all! With these tips in mind, even those who don’t like small talk can begin building lasting connections with other professionals that will benefit their business in the long run. Good luck!


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